One Reliable Character In Any New England Landscape Is The Yew (Taxus)

There are many different varieties offering a range of needle colors, branching structure, and form. Most are ironclad landscape additions due to their tendency toward low maintenance. They can handle very poor quality soils, a good amount of soil compaction, and after establishment, they don’t require much water to survive. They are one of the most commonly found plants on residential and commercial landscapes.

Although they are evergreen, yews will still shed their older needles each spring, which typically results in a significant display of interior yellowing that can be alarming if unexpected. Every year gardeners, property managers, and homeowners will inquire about the health of their plants when this natural process begins to take place. Ironically the process itself indicates the plant is healthy because a stressed plant will hold on to the older needles to maximize energy production.

Our team can get your trees on track to staying healthy! Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with your local arborist.
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