After the magic of autumn has worn off, the bare trees and gray skies can seem bleak and depressing. Brighten your spirits by taking a walk around your property with your arborist! The loss of foliage is like an x-ray, providing full access to a tree’s structure and form. It is the perfect time to get a visual assessment of your trees.

Your arborist will work from the top down or the bottom up to assess these key areas for any issues:

 Outer Canopy

  • Broken or cracked limbs
  • Rubbing or crossing branches
  • Large diameter/overabundance of deadwood

Main Sacaffolding Branches

  • Sunken or flaking bark
  • Cracks or cankers
  • Insect egg masses or holes from borers
  • Poor or weak unions

Trunk Or Bole

  • Cracks or cankers
  • Sunken or flaking bark
  • Wounds, holes, or cavities
  • Included bark
  • Mycelial fans, conks, or mushrooms

Root Flare Or Root Crown

  • Missing root flare
  • Girdling roots / flat sections of the trunk
  • Cut or damaged roots
  • Mycelial fans, conks, or mushrooms
  • Heaving/disturbance of the root-soil plate

A competent arborist will talk through the assessment, communicating his/her observations and follow up with a list of recommendations moving forward.

Additional factors are considered during the assessment such as age, species, location, and sentimental value of the tree, all of which can play a significant role in determining the final recommendations. For these reasons, the assessment should involve the homeowner who can provide context about the value of the tree as well as some history regarding any previous care or past stresses that may be a cause for concern. Certain structural flaws can be mitigated and managed under the right circumstances, but to some, it may just not be worth the risk.

Take advantage of this season and invest your time into having your trees assessed by a certified arborist.
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